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Krzywickiego 34
02-078 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: +48-22-622-66-55
Fax: +48-22-622-38-72

The Polish market is increasingly gaining in importance with foreign companies from all over the world. Poland’s market size and growth prospects following accession to the European Union offer excellent business opportunities for international investors and companies looking to start up and grow in Central Europe.

Consulton supports foreign companies enter the Polish market. With a range of services in market development and competitive intelligence, Consulton provides - market research & analysis; strategic consulting; channel and partner research and also carries out and coordinates on site business activities.

Our goal is to help our Clients succeed by overcoming any differences in Polish business practices and culture.

Range of services offered by Consulton:

- Competitive Intelligence
- Market Information & Analysis
- Business Matchmaking
- Company Formation
- Marketing Services
- Business Assistance

Krzywickiego 34
02-078 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48-22-622-66-55
Fax: +48-22-622-38-72
Copyright c 2007 CONSULTON
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